Here are some pictures from the NJCL Convention held at Indiana University.
Vulcan towers majestically over Birmingham, Alabama.
Spirit/dance practices in dark parking lots are the best!
LJCL visits the surprisingly idyllic River Styx outside Mammoth Cave.
One the way to Nationals, we visited the Parthenon (not the one in Greece).
Athena towers majestically within the Parthenon.
No side trip is complete without a theme park!
Chapter fellowship
Stretching before Olympika
Hardcore JCLers hike to Olympika through the rain.
LJCL’s own National Editor!
LJCL’s roll call, in which we became lost in a soup store
The advanced Certamen team before a match
Discuss throwing, aka ultimate frisbee
In Ludi Volleyball, a good serve is more important than maintaining one’s corporeal form.
Rappers with togas line up for procession.
The Farewell Dance with friends!
The officers distribute superlatives at the last fellowship.
Certamen photo with our coaches!
Photo Credits: Dennis Webb and Ann Nguyen